
Concerned Parents of Oakridge

Oakridge Elementary is a diverse school in 22202 in Arlington, VA; the only Arlington elementary school in the same zip code as the much hailed National Landing and Amazon HQ2.

While we share in the school’s pride for its diversity as it reflects us, the growing group that is Concerned Parents of Oakridge, we parents have also heard the term ‘equity’ as an excuse for declining academics. We don’t believe that a school should have to choose between equity and academic rigor. We believe our Oakridge kids are as capable as all other kids in the county. We believe a meaningful investment in equity will instill high expectations and improved academic performance within Oakridge and build partnerships with the parents and neighboring community.

Knowledge is power. Do you know how Oakridge Elementary is performing? Oakridge is an outlier compared to other APS elementary schools. Its population demographics reflect the average Arlington Elementary school but it is faltering academically.

Our Priorities:

  • Academic Growth consistent with other APS elementary schools
  • Teacher and Staff retention and well-being
  • Improved communication and partnerships with families and community
  • Transparency on school performance and growth
  • Safety and Student well-being–Oakridge was the 3rd highest Arlington Elementary school in reporting behavior issues reported to the Virginia Department of Education School Climate Reports in 2023,

Does the Oakridge school climate encourage a safe, non-disruptive environment for effective teaching and learning?

Do Oakridge teachers have enough support mangage classroom disruptions to effectively teach?

The Virginia Model Guidance for Positive and Preventive Code of Student Conduct Policy and Alternatives to Suspension has certain requirements.

School rules should focus on building a positive school environment to prevent classroom disruptions and threats to people and things. It should also support individual rights, as stated in the Standards of Quality (§ 22.1-253.13.7.D.3 and Section 22.1-279.6) of the Code of Virginia. These standards discuss different ways to manage behavior and maintain a safe and non-disruptive place to support effective teaching and learning.

A good school environment should:

  • Make sure everyone is safe and supported.
  • Provide support for students and staff to meet high behavioral expectations.
  • Ensure effective teaching to help students grow and engage in learning, with lots of positive feedback to master tough academic standards.
  • Promote respectful, trusting, and caring relationships in the whole school community.

Research tells us that having a positive school environment helps schools and teachers achieve high standards. These goals include improving student success, closing achievement gaps, raising graduation rates, reducing teacher turnover, making teachers happier, and turning around low-performing schools. Positive school environments also make schools and communities safer by improving communication between students, families, and teachers and by reducing violence and bullying.